One hundred years ago, a group of Bay Ridge pioneers, decided it was time to establish a spiritual home for the area’s growing Jewish community. They had been meeting for prayer at various locations
including the back of a local furniture store on Fifth Avenue, owned by Isidor Leichtman. In 1921, they
officially incorporated as Congregation Sheiris Israel, also known as Bay Ridge Jewish Center. They raised funds and purchased the land upon which our current building now sits
It was not until March 7, 1926 that our current space was ready for occupancy, but it consisted of only
the basement level. For the next thirty years, all activities including prayer, parties, and community
gatherings were held in this versatile lower level space. The long awaited expansion took almost thirty
years. On September 22, 1951, the second floor with our beautiful sanctuary, balcony, adjoining
community house and play area were dedicated. Within two years, Bnai Abraham Community Center of Sunset Park merged with BJRC in the new building.
100 years later, we continue to be thriving center of Jewish life in South Brooklyn. Join us on our