July 27, 2024 /

Adult Education

The Jewish love of learning is well-known. Jews are known as “The People of the Book” because of our love of the Torah. However, a better name would be “The People of the Books.” For all of our history, learning, both secular and religious, has played an important role in the development of our people. From the Talmud to contemporary Torah commentary and everything in between, Jews are guaranteed to find something that interests them.

At BRJC Rabbi Tamar Crystal offers classes Tuesdays & Wednesdays of each week. They are done via Zoom, and offer informal learning opportunities, and social gatherings for adults designed to bring Jewish values, culture, rituals, and texts into our everyday lives. There is something for everyone.  If you would like to join us, please contact our office via email, at  office@brjc.org. You can also call us at 718-836-3103 and leave a voice mail.  We will get back to you and provide you with the links to the zoom classes below:



“Faith, Hope, Charity, and Everything Else!” every Tuesday at 3 pm

“Adult Hebrew School without Hebrew” every Wednesday at 3 PM, until July 15th.